Nekoda – Happy and Healthy In His New Home

(We received the following from Nekoda’s new family.  He was formerly called “Nomad” and is the beautiful husky that was hairless and starved at rescue.)

Nekoda (Formerly "Nomad") happy in the snow with his new family.

Nekoda (Formerly “Nomad”) happy in the snow with his new family.

Nekoda is delighted with each fresh snow fall.  I took him out early the morning before there was a foot print in the snow. What a happy dog! Wind and blowing snow delight him, not so much me. Noah took Nekoda out before Sunday School. Nekoda was thrilled! Then Stephanie took him out because she can run with him which she knows Nekoda really likes. Nokoda played in the yard while the morning shoveling was done. The moment we walked in from church Nekoda was anxious to get outside again.  After the children take him on a nice walk, he’ll play in the yard while we shovel once more.  Nekoda thinks this is a perfect day.

He is so cute in the snow. Prancing around, digging for buried treasure (he finds all sorts of stuff in the deep snow – last week he found an apple, a mostly eaten candy, and a sandwich wrapper people must have dropped rushing home in the blizzard) and playing in the snow banks.

He is a delightful dog. It’s fun to watch him play. He will sit and give his paw at voice and hand command. We are working on “stay” and “down.” He is great with all the kids! he is dearly loved; a true joy and answer to prayers. We extend our thanks for all you have done.

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