ADOPTED! Punky Spunky Brewster – Back to Life !!!

Meet Punky Spunky Brewster!

Big smile on Punky Spunky Brewster!

Punky Spunky Brewster now sports a big smile. She’s come a long way!

Punky and her litter mates were picked up on the side of the highway by Glenwood Animal Control officer and taken to safety at the Glenwood shelter.

A Warm Hearts Member saw this puppy laying lifeless the at shelter on Monday the 23rd of September.   She was skin-over-bone thin,  had mucus in both eyes, and she had a skin infection on her lower abdomen.

Our Warm Hearts Member took Spunky home and gave her fluids every two hours for the next 48 hours.  She was diagnosed with parvo.

The normal procedure for a parvo puppy is for them to get fluids via an IV until they are fully hydrated again.  Punky Brewster did not have any veins strong enough, so she was given fluids under the skin.


What a little character she is!!!  With care, she has progressed from lifeless to being full of life, with a sparkle in her beautiful black eyes.

Punky Brewster will  now have a chance to live happily every after with her own forever family.

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